Of Captivity, Frustration, and Liberation on the East Side of the Keyboard

The shackles of my oppression

Hello, readers.  It’s been awhile.

He’s grown bored with the blog.

No, he hasn’t.  He finally decided to treat his broken right ring finger.

Some of you may remember that what began as an attempt to impress Running Girl at a rest stop in Minnesota on August 13, ended in pain and embarrassment (read here).  Then came two months of manly, it’ll get better all on its own bravado.

How’d that work out for you, Major?

Well, I’ll show you: Six weeks in that contraption.  It was not great.

Hand-washing, shoe-tying, weight-lifting, buttoning buttons and other manually tasks were performed to a high degree of frustration.  However, the most difficult chore was typing on a keyboard.

For the past six weeks, my battleground looked like this:

Waaaaaaa, waaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaa!  Right?

But, for an attorney, the inability to distinguish between a “.”, a “;” and a “,” (and for that matter, a quotation mark itself) is a temporary, partial disability.

O‘s became 9‘s.  l came out as lo.  It got old after about six seconds.

After a full day of slogging it out at the keyboard at work, I didn’t feel like writing this blog.  I didn’t feel like writing anything.

Also, I was working long hours during this period.  Things were hectic at home and on the job.   Life was a little overwhelming.  Something had to give.

It turned out to be the blog.

A wise man once said: Don’t write if you don’t have anything to say.  I lived by that advice.

Truthiness — apparently, no one missed my bon mots.  And that’s okay.  Running Girl and I don’t write this for others.  We do it because we like it.

Liberation came yesterday.  My newly-found freedom is not only physical.  It’s mental as well.

Now comes the hard part — rehab.  It hurts.  But, that’s part of the healing process.

And I’m not just talking about my finger.

— The Major

One response to this post.

  1. Pain is such a great motivator. OK that seems harsh. Hope things go well and things loosen up giving you a little more peace and freedom hand-wise.


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